
Parents Interested in Enrollment , Essay (Questions) Grades 4th to 12th
Call for a tour @ 706-364-0019. We look forward to seeing you!
Click to learn about Enrolling your child

What's CLiCing @ Challenge
Preparatory Academy
Cyber Literacy Connection (CLiC)

Announcing Challenge Preparatory Academy's
2024 AFA CyberPatriot & Coding Camps
June 3-7, 2024, 8:30 am to 1:30 pm
in-person only, lunch served, camp t-shirt & collector badges, awards for participation and instructors are certified in IT and Cybersecurity!
Must be in 6th-12th Grade to Register for AFA Camp.
Bitbox Coding
Summer Camp
for kids in grades 4th-6th.
Students will learn to code using
CPA CLiC Curriculum
Cost: $150.00
In-person only, lunch served, camp
t-shirt & collector badges,
awards for participation and accomplishments, &
Robotics, and coding competition!
only 20 Seats available
6th grade students cannot attend both camps.
2023 Something is Always CLiCing at CPA
Challenge Preparatory Academy has been selected as one of the schools in the CSRA that will be participating in the STEM to Space Initiative!

United States Space Force is the newest branch of the services and December 20th will mark the 3-year anniversary of the USSF’s conception. We want to celebrate our birthday each year by giving back to our communities and engaging with students across the country, sharing our story and the importance of STEM.
Wow! We CLiCed @ Challenge this 2022 AFA CyberPatriot Camp

CyberPatriot is a national program that was created by the Air Force Association (AFA). It features the annual National Youth Cyber Defense Competition for high school and middle school students. Airforce CyberPatriot it is open to all high schools, middle schools, and accredited home school programs around the country.
Thank you Georgia Power, Mr. Miller and Mrs. Strouble for sponsoring and donating to our 2022 Camp. Without you this camp could not have happened!
~ Dr. Willis, Principal

2021 Cyber Awareness Month Highlights @ Challenge

2018 AFA Summer Camp @ Paine College

Contact Us: 706-364-0019 / info@challengeprepacademy.org / 1948 Ellis Street, Augusta GA 30904