
Parents Interested in Enrollment , Essay (Questions) Grades 4th to 12th
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Augusta Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting
Thank you Founding Board Members

Where Learning Is Experienced

Mrs. Chambers, Dr. Willis & Mr. Loyd
To learn more about board members click their name to see their bio
Dr. Mayreather Willis, Ed.S./Ed. D.
k-12 Curriculum and Instruction and Administrative Leadership
Principal/Director of Programs, Curriculum and Instruction
Rev. Dr. Melvin Ivey,
Pastor of Greater St. John Baptist Church, Retired Navy and US Postal Service
Board Chair
Mr. Sanford Loyd, CEO Sanford Loyd CPA Firm
Ms. Asha-Monique Willis, Cognos Ante Government Contractor in Cyber Security,
Thank you Board Members for your willingness to bring your expertise, talents, skills and ability to
Challenge Preparatory Academy
in support of guiding students to challenge themselves, to not just meet, but exceed academic standards!
contact: admin@challengeprepacademy.org