
Parents Interested in Enrollment , Essay (Questions) Grades 4th to 12th
Call for a tour @ 706-364-0019. We look forward to seeing you!
Click to learn about Enrolling your child

Welcome! We are so
Glad You are Visiting with Us.
Who We Are

Challenge Preparatory Academy
is a nonprofit private school located at
1948 Ellis Street in Augusta, Georgia.
We are a school of choice established
to meet the demand to support parents’
differing beliefs about how their children
should be educated. We are accredited
by Georgia Accrediting Commission (GAC).
We are an Academy for learning because our school environment is designed to prepare our students for higher learning institutions. We believe that instilling leadership now will inspire our students to pursue leadership roles in the future. We are a Preparatory school created to provide our students with academic rigor so that they are prepared to excel in college and careers
within the cybersecurity and STEM communities.
Our Education Philosophy and approach
to learning is to engage students in a constructivist
approach. This approach will be rooted in hands on,
interactive, performance-based, and engaging
learning in every classroom.
Our Vision for our students & commitment
to it, is to daily function as a high quality
Experiencing in Learning School rooted in
our belief and evident in our action that
academic growth begins while experiencing learning.
A Day at
Challenge Preparatory Academy
Small Class sizes
10-15 Students in our grade-band PODs.
We serve a neurodiverse student population
meeting them where they are and taking them
where they want to be during our adventure classes.
Scholarships to cover cost of
Tuition for Qualifying Families:
You must register before applying
School begins at 7:50 am to 3:45 pm
Monday through Friday
by-weekly Learn From Home Fridays
We wear school uniforms
We welcome students that are Home-Schooled
& who are enrolled in
K12 or Connection Academy Online Schools
to our Learning HUB
We provide
Breakfast & Snacks
(Students bring his/her own Lunch)
As part of tuition students are eligible for:
Early-bird drop off at 7:00 am
(unavailable the remaining 23-24 SY)
2024-25 School Year
$100 - 200 per month
(depends on number of students that need transportation)
Our Academic Program Offerings
All classes are taught by certified & highly qualified teachers & all students have an Individualized Instruction Plan (ILP)
We teach in Learning PODs, to meet the academic needs
of all students during Core Classes:
Math, English/Language Arts, STEM,
Social Studies/History & Cyber Literacy Classes (CLiC)
Edgenuity: Upper Science & History Class
Electives (Adventure Classes):
Art, Music, Film Making, PE
Foreign Languages: Spanish & French
Extracurricular Activities (During the School Day)
4-H (Elementary) * UGA Teen Cuisine
Mindfulness Class * Boys to Men Mentoring

What We Do at
Challenge Preparatory Academy
Our Instructional Program
What standards does Challenge use?
We use Georgia Standards of Excellence.
Standards-Based & Data Driven Instruction
Our instruction is determined by ongoing authentic academic diagnostic - Once we know what our students don't know, but need to know, we develop individualized and small group instruction to meet their academic needs,
as well as provide enrichment to stretch our students.​
How does Challenge close academic gaps in learning if my child is behind?
Teachers Loop with Students.
Our teachers loop from 5th grade to 6th grade with students
Looping is a research-based instructional practice
Looping ensures continuity in learning, and this is how we close academic gaps. When teachers loop with our students, we know which skills to target and what standards our students have mastered, which allows teachers to excel students' learning experiences.
What is unique about the instructional program that is not at other schools?
CLiC (Cyber Literacy Classes) is Challenge's Signature Program
Yes, we will immerse our students in STEM!
What we add is our CLiC classes to teach our students Cyber Literacy.
At Challenge students learn about and use technology daily as a regular core subject. While learning, they have multiple opportunities
to explore and create, as well as become community,
world and universal problem-solvers.